Monday, June 30, 2008

Version your vision

Recently I was talking to a young chap working in Saudi. He was quite interesting in many ways, one thing inspired me was his honesty, ego-less attitude and a fresh mind. Even though his English was not very good, he was speaking from his heart. While I was chatting with him, I asked about his vision, he answered "I have no vision until now".

I have seen only few (as the young chap above) who admitted that they do not have a vision. Honesty ha? Most of the time, I have seen people making out the vision instantly when asked, because they are paranoid of being judged inferior if they do not have a vision (yes, I was one among them 9 years ago ;-)).

Actually, as time went by, I realised that there is no need to be paranoid or nervous about the vision. Many will go in search for a vision only because they need to have one for the namesake. To be honest, it doesn't work in that way, vision is something which... (re-iterating again)

Pushes you constantly to achieve your goals.
Makes you personally satisfied.
Makes you happy in whatever you do.
Makes you to define your own meaning of life.
Never lets you to sit down and worry about the silly issues in life.

Having something for a sake does not resolve the purpose of a vision, or anything for that matter. One will only fail in achieving the same. Instead, it is better to be visionless.

There are few people in this world, who have a vision, but very shy to speak about it. Actually, if one cannot share their vision, they cannot share anything to the world. There is nothing to be ashamed or to feel shy about. There is no size or rate for the vision, for every individual their own vision is big and better. It cannot be or should not be compared with any other vision. Remember, if sharing stops, learning stops and evolution stops. Soon you will be a generation behind before you realise.

There are few people in this world, who will be searching for their vision, a vision which is defined once for all. In the process of finding an ultimate final vision, they end up finding none. Vision cannot be or should not be frozen. It has to evolve as you grow in your life and career and it is inevitable. It has to be reviewed, redefined or refined now and then. It is not a bad thing to redefine your vision periodically. However, at some point the frequency should be reduced.

Saying that, I have revised my vision several times whenever I review myself every year. The version 1.0 was very primitive (rudely saying 'immature'), but as the years progressed, it started to evolve and got better and better (if you think otherwise, please say). I am at version 5.4 now and still believe that there are more versions to come. However, every version of the vision is the best I could think of when defined at that period of time. Even though the versions change, the underlying foundation stood the same.

My vision (version 5.4):
"Living a happy and joyful life, with physical fitness and enough wealth to survive and support, in a like minded society which treats everyone as equal, where the real strengths are explored and encouraged, where sharing and learning is nurtured, patriotism felt, values not compromised, simply where the quality attitude is promoted".

Note: My vision is being refined every year only because of the learning from my friends, colleagues, mentors, relatives and neighbors. So, a BIG THANKS to them.


Arunprasath said...

I just want give you a big Smile :D

MANI said...

Obviously, it should be the dream of every one. Anyone can set a vision of their own choice, but with betterment to the mankind. Those who attained their goal (vision), or nearing to their goal, they can cultivate the system to follow suit but according to their vision. The strategy which helped them can be taught to the deserved.

By this, (y)our vision can be achieved without any doubt.

On the other hand, if anybody failed to reach their vision, they can also help the others about the wrong way(s) they have chosen.

Bharathi said...

Kari ,

you play with words :) the sentence stole me

"Remember, if sharing stops, learning stops and evolution stops "

i believe every human will have a dream in their life(though we dont work towards achieving it ). As APJ says "Dreams turns into action " , which concludes Dream = Vision , which proves everyman have vision .

He he he :)

Alicia said...

It's a beautiful mission. And a very hard one to achieve too!

Karikalan said...

Thanks Alicia. Yes, setting high targets helps us keep running regardless of the shortfalls in life ;-).

Anonymous said...

Just to react on your statement "Even though the versions change, the underlying foundation stood the same" - Then what is the value addition of having versioning.
And also you said you review the vision every year ? can you add more on this?

Karikalan said...

I may not have expressed it well, I meant values when saying "Underlying foundation", the motive is the same, but as the experience grew the accessories grew to polish the vision (However, this was the case for me, it may differ to every individual. There is a massive difference between versions 1.0 and 4.0, since 4.0 the underlying foundation stood the same.

On reviewing the vision every year, shortly,
- Is aligning yourself with your vision and vice versa.
- Examining your road ahead with the experience you have come across in the past year.
- Again, the version can change (along with the underlying foundation), which is not bad at all, however it is better to have new versions less often going forward.

Mohan said...

Pursue what your heart says, it keep you pushing towards your goals and vision. - Cheers, Mohan.